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Harvey the Magician

Magic Shows for Children 4 and Up

When you invite Harvey to entertain you will receive:

*A fun filled 45 minute Magic Show where the birthday child is the *STAR* and will help in two routines!

*A magic themed coloring page/magic trick page and magic themed word puzzle page for each child.

*Optional Addition: Balloon Teach In where each child will receive a balloon and have a lot of fun learning to make their very own balloon dog!! The balloon teach in is approximately 15 minutes and can be added at the end of the show for a very reasonable cost.

*A "Teach-a Trick" session where Harvey will show the children how to do an easy magic trick to show friends and family. The children are also provided with the special "thing" in order to perform the trick.

*A personalized Magician's Assistant Certificate (along with the coloring/trick and word puzzle page) and a Harvey the Magician Bag'o'Magic magic set for the birthday child!!


                                        Harvey the Magician
